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Dear EC Families,

Welcome to another school year! Whether you’ve been an EC family for years or are brand new to the school, I wanted to extend a warm welcome and also introduce myself. My name is Soo Brown. I’m an EC parent and also the new Executive Director of the Foundation for Eastern Christian School. I’m thankful to follow in the footsteps of Dave Visbeen who held this role until his retirement last year.

One of the reasons for this letter is to welcome and also encourage you to participate in this special Christian community which my family has been a part of since the fall of 2018. My two girls are at the Midland Park campus: Elyse is in 3rd grade and Kaelyn is in 1st grade. There is a unique community that forms amongst believers who seek to raise their children in the Lord and I’ve been truly blessed by it.

My prayerful desire is to foster a sincere culture of generosity at Eastern Christian School. I understand that each of us are in different seasons and situations. Would you prayerfully commit to partner with us where you’re able? The three T’s: 

  1. Time – Will you volunteer and support the school with your time to meet our various needs, such as being a room parent, fundraising event volunteer, PTO member, Ditto, or with recess supervision?
  2. Treasure – Will you support us financially with the means that the Lord has blessed upon you with? Whether your gift is $10 or $10,000, stock donations or workplace matching gifts, ultimately it is the Lord’s money and we trust that He will meet our needs with your contribution. We’re so thankful for your faith in His provision, which led to your support and sacrifice.
  3. Talent – Will you share your skills, talents, and spiritual giftings with us? We welcome your hospitality, encouragement, and also professional skills or business resources that you can offer. 

In addition to the T’s, the most powerful is ultimately your prayers. Can you commit to PRAY consistently for our school, our staff, our students and their families, that His will would be done and that our decisions would always be Christ centered? We serve a mighty God who bends down to hear us.

Two quick asks:

  • Would you consider financial support of our Annual Fund? This annual fundraising project helps us close the $475,000 gap between what EC families pay for in tuition, and what it actually costs us to provide this amazing education.
  • Please save the date for the NEW HomEComing – October 15 & 16
    • We have a lot of exciting new things planned – welcoming all EC community members- Alumni, enrolled families and a nice “Welcome home” for our new families! Much more will be shared in the coming weeks. 

Thank you in advance for your continued support of the mission of Eastern Christian School!

In Christ,

Soo Brown


The EC Annual Fund

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